Surf & Stand up paddle boarding Club- Milford School
Dear Parent / Guardian
Sports Pembrokeshire in conjunction with Outer Reef Surf & Sup centre would like to invite your Son/daughter to take part in a 5-week surfing programme. The club was born from the pupils in Pembrokeshire schools showing a vested interest in surfing. The Sports development officer was often approached by pupils asking if there was some way of setting up and organising an after school surf club. With the support of Dean Gough from Outer Reef Surf School it has been possible and the surf club has gone from strength to strength. The surf club takes advantage of the fantastic blue flag beaches that Pembrokeshire has to offer and now in its ninth year it continues in its popularity to engage pupils in physical activity.
Throughout the five weeks the children will be taken through the first stages of the ‘Junior Surf Scheme’ which has been designed and developed by Outer Reef Surf & Sup centre. There will also be fun competitions as well as fitness and skill development. For those of you who have had the opportunity to surf before you will be progressed on from your existing skill level. Safety in the ocean and beach environment is very important and the children will learn to demonstrate basic self-rescue principles in the ocean.! The surf coaches will provide great advice on how to respect and understand the ocean (an important thing to learn when we live in a county with so much beautiful coastline).
The Outer Reef Surf & Sup Centre has offered Milford Haven School a discounted price of £85 per person. The price includes 5 sessions with certificate, poster and Surf club t-shirt. All equipment is provided. To book your place you can print off the booking form attached and send it into us with a cheque. We do offer other payment methods, to find out more on this please contact Emmamary Gough 01646680070
The pupils will be picked up from main reception at the school at 3.10pm and will be taken to the beach that offers the safest surf conditions on the day, which will either be Broadhaven North beach or Newgale and then returned to school at approximately 6.30pm. In the event of your child not being able to take part in a surf session for whatever genuine reason we will requireprior notice of this, so we can issue your child with a catch up surf voucher.
The 5 week 5x60 Outer Reef Surfing Club will start on Friday 23rd September,30th Sept, 7th 14th & 21stOctober. Pupils are to meet promptly at the schools main reception straight after the bell goes.

What to bring:Swimming costume/shorts, towel, sun cream (if required), and a drink. Please note, wetsuits are provided but you are welcome to bring your own with a plastic bag to take it home in.
Yours faithfully,
Emmamary Gough
Dean Gough ISA / SLSGB Official Presenter
Ambassadors for The NationalTrust
01646 680070 / 07769903653 Wyndham Williams Sport Pembrokeshire Officer Mob 07920700759
BronzeIs perfect for you if you have never surfed before!
It teaches you all of the basic skills you need in the surf
and information on how to stay safe on the beach.
On completion of this level, you will be standing and riding
small waves towards the beach with ease!
SilverIs perfect for those of you that have already achieved your Level 1 certificate!
Level 2 will teach you how to ride small broken waves in the surf. You will be introduced todifferent types of waves and will need to demonstrate basic self-rescue principles in the ocean.
This is where things start to get really exciting!
Once you have received your level 2 certificates you’re good to start level 3.
You will be taught how to turn and control a surfboard whilst riding along the face of a wave.
You will also learn how to perform basic first aid procedures on the beach and how to rescue others in trouble
Milford Surf Club
Booking Form September 2016
The 5 week Sport Pembrokeshire/ Outer Reef Surfing Club will start on
FRIDAY 3.10 – 6.30 pm The 5 week Outer Reef Surfing Club will start on Friday September 23rd,30th &October 7th 14th & 21st.
Name: …...…………………………………………Form…………………
Address: …...……………………………………………………………………….
Postcode: ……………………
Emergency contact
Tel : ..……………………………………… Mobile :…………..……..……… Age: ………
Payment methods;
1. Send this booking form in with a cheque to the address below….or
2. Book and pay online through our website Click on the sign,
Online booking example;Pick a course: 5x60 surf club £95pp
Course date: 08/ 06/ 2016
(when entering your child’s name on the booking form please also enter their school (eg Tom Jones /Milford)
I am medically fit. I am water confident and able to swim 50metres. Please list below any medical problems / disabilities we need to be aware of. These will be treated in strictest confidence:
Photo & video consent
Signed Parent/guardian........................................... Date:………