OUTER REEF is one of the longest established surf, sup & Lifeguarding training centres in Europe and we run a independent surf & Sup booking & hire shop based in Pembrokeshire , we pride ourselves on our surf knowledge and advice with Dean having over 25 year of surf coaching experience & have over 30 years of water time under his belts, We are a Surf Shop / Centre run by Surfers for surfers
All our staff surf and have to have an depth knowledge of the equipment we use & sell. We stock a large range of the leading surf brands. As a wetsuit specialist we stock a huge range all year of Mens Wetsuits, Ladies Wetsuits and Kids Wetsuits & offer all our kids club members a starter pack Situated on the Pembrokeshire Coast we are in a perfect position to offer a range of watersports activities and equipment Hire. Here at Pembrokeshire Surf & Sup Centre we want to help you enjoy surfing & Stand up paddle boarding so come & pop in & check it out & book your adventure day!